The IC Club and Tennis Auckland hosted Dame Ruia Morrison DNZM MBE, Dame Ruia a former two time champion of this tournament, pictured with the trophy and accompianed by AMTA Tumuaki Richard (Dick) Garratt MNZM
The IC Club and Tennis Auckland hosted Dame Ruia Morrison DNZM MBE, Dame Ruia a former two time champion of this tournament, pictured with the trophy and accompianed by AMTA Tumuaki Richard (Dick) Garratt MNZM
I te marama o Hepetema i tae mai a Luxembourg ki a Aotearoa Mahuru mō...
Kua whuia te kupenga o Taramainuku kia hao i te mate. Kua kohikohia te tau...
Unveiled as one of the new additions into the International Tennis Hall of Fame’s digital...