E ngā mana e ngā reo, e ngā kārangaranga maha
Tēnā koutou katoa me ngā tini āhuatanga katoa
E rere ana ngā mihi o te ngakau ki a tātou e taumaha nei i te mate Korona i te hinganga o ngā rau o ngā mano
Kia piki te ora, te māramatanga ki runga i a koutou katoa
He pānui tēnei ki ngā hāpori, ki ngā iwi, ki ngā whānau, ki ngā tāngata katoa
Kia arohaina mai te whakataetae Māori ka tū ki Whanganui 27-29 Hakihea 2020 I tēnei tau ka tatū atu ki a Whānganui
E kiia nei tana kōrero:
““E rere kau mai te Āwanui,
Mai i te Kāhui maunga ki Tangaroa
Kō au te Āwa, kō te Āwa kō au.”
“The great river flows From the mountains to the sea.
I am the river, the river is me.”
I ngā wiki tata, ka nui ngā tangata ki Whanganui e hiahia ana ki te tuku koha ki a Aotearoa Māori Tēnehi kia rangatira tēnei huihuinga.
Ko ētehi i te hiahia kia tuku pūtea, kāore i te hiahia kia whakaingoatia. Nō reira, nā te wānangatahi kua tau, kia tuhia tēnei ki te whārangi matua o AMTA .
kei hiahia ētehi atu iwi, tangata, hāpori ō waho rānei ki te tuku koha mai.
He akiaki tēnei ki a tātou. Mēnā kei te hiahia tuku koha mai kia rangatira ai te kaupapa, ka mutu pea!
Nō reira ki te hunga e hiahia ana ki te tuku koha mai.
Ko ngā koha katoa ka haere ki te hōtaka Whakawhanake Rangatahi o Whānganui Tēnehi Māori.
Ka whakatūria he tohu whakanui i ngā rangatahi Māori e tākaro tēnehi ana ki te rohe o Whanganui.
Tukuna mai ki tēnei pūtea: Aotearoa Maori Tennis ASB 12-3054-0262907-00
CODE: 190
Reference: Initial and Surname eg: (A WHAUWHAU)
Ko tō ingoa ka noho ki te rārangi whakapau pūtea ki tēnei whakataetae.
Kei a koe te rahinga o te koha e hiahia ana kia koha mai
Nō reira, kia rau mai te ringa o ngā kaimanaaki katoa ki runga i a koutou
Pai mārire
To all of us that unite under this prestigious kaupapa
Salutations to you all.
My heart goes out to everyone that is experiencing hardship at this time,
We acknowledge those that have lost loved ones.
May you be comforted and see enlightenment.
This is a short notice to groups, iwi, families and organisations and whoever.
With the Aotearoa Māori Tennis tournament being held in Whanganui 27-27 December 2020.
A well known whakataukī of the area:
““E rere kau mai te Āwanui,
Mai i te Kāhui maunga ki Tangaroa
Kō au te Āwa, kō te Āwa kō au.”
“The great river flows From the mountains to the sea.
I am the river, the river is me.”
There has been an overwhelming response from people in the Whānganui region to koha money to Aotearoa Māori Tennis to support this gathering.
Some wanted to koha money but didn’t want to be named. The Executive committee and Whanganui organising committee had a hui online and it was decided
to put this on our Aotearoa Māori Webpage to promote further and to give
People the option to koha to this kaupapa annually.
SO if you would like to support this kaupapa
All koha will go towards Whanganui Māori Tennis junior development programme.
Please send your koha to: Aotearoa Maori Tennis ASB 12-3054-0262907-00
CODE: 190
Reference: Initial and Surname eg: (A WHAUWHAU)
May we all be safe and be protected by the many guardians.
Pai mārire