A big percentage of Māori tennis players from Kaitaia in the North to Christchurch in the South, took part in the TNZS National Teams Events at Tauranga over Easter, those in teams that were successsful winners were:
W 50+ Eastern BOP – Leona Davis-Kaye, Wendy Wriggley.
W 55+ Western BOP – Deanna Pohatu
M 75+ Waikato – David Goldsmith
M 65+ – Sth Auckland – Dick Garratt, John Cook
A big mihi to our AMTA Kaumatua David Goldsmith
Special guest on the final days play on the Sunday was our very own Ruia Morrison MBE, who also attened the Social/Prizegiving, Ruia had the privilidge of presenting one of the trophies