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021 571 975 / cookrodn@xtra.co.nz

Does TestRocker Guarantee Results?

Yes, we are confident TestRocker will help you maximize your SAT or ACT score. TestRocker is based on our Ultimate Private Tutor – Suniti’s highly successful and proven method of teaching students how to maximize their SAT and ACT scores, a method she has perfected through tutoring thousands of students around the world for over 14 years.

If you do not see an improvement in your SAT test score based on your PSAT result, we will refund your money. If you have already taken the SAT before and do not see an improvement in your SAT score after going through TestRocker’s online SAT test prep program, we will refund your money.

If you do not see an improvement in your ACT score after following your customized study plan, we will refund your money. If you have already taken the ACT before and do not see an improvement in your ACT score after going through TestRocker’s online ACT test prep program, we will refund your money.

In order to get a refund please email us at contactus@testrocker.com with an official copy of your PSAT, SAT, and/or ACT results (before and after working on TestRocker). You must have completed TestRocker’s recommended study plan in order to qualify for a refund.